Friday, March 16, 2012

Yasher Koach to Rabbi Ellen Wollintz-Fields!

Yasher Koach to Rabbi Ellen Wollintz-Fields, 
upon offering the Opening Prayer for the New Jersey Senate voting session 
on Thursday, March 15, 2012! 
[The text of Rabbi Wolintz-Field's prayer is below.]


Let us direct our attention at this time to a power greater than us, which is different for each of us,

because of our various faith traditions, as well as unique and individual for each of us, within the same faith.


I pray to Rebbono Shel Olam, Our God in Heaven, who shows both mercy and justice,

to whom we show gratitude for both the good and the bad. 


We are grateful for each day and moment we spend here on earth,

for as far as we know this life we live is not a dress rehearsal.


Let us use each opportunity that we have to make this world a better place,

especially those elected to serve in this holy place of the New Jersey Senate. 


Our Higher Power, just as we have built Sanctuaries, so that the presence of God can dwell amongst us,

so too here, in the New Jersey Senate, our elected officials have built a holy, sacred space,

so that they can lead the good people of the State of New Jersey, to do the right and just thing.


Our Garden State of New Jersey, is not as depicted on popular TV shows –

whether it be bad reality TV, or fattening baking shows, or HBO Original Series –

we are a state of good, caring, respectable, honest people, who do not use our hands to just fist pump,

but use our hands to help others, to lend a helping hand, to hold our neighbors' hands in time of need.  


We are a state of people of all nationalities, those born in America, those who are recent immigrants,

those waiting to become United States Citizens. 


We are white, black and everything in between. 


Some New Jersey residents live in mansions, and others live in Tents – which make their own cities.


We pray to you God, or whatever higher Power we may believe in, that the good elected leaders of our State of New Jersey,

            remember the holiness in their work;  cherish what makes the residents of the State of New Jersey the same,

and respect what makes us all uniquely different, and strive to help all who live in the state of New Jersey.


O God, watch over our elected leaders so that all their deliberations will be done with good and honest intentions,  

in order that all discussions and decisions will be carried out with genuine and open minds,             

honest and insightful thinking,  caring and giving hearts, and sensitive and sincere souls.


During this month of March, Women's History Month, it is an honor and privilege for me to be invited here

            today to deliver the Opening Prayer for the New Jersey Senate Session.


I conclude by blessing all our elected leaders, and their dedicated staff

and supportive family, friends, and constituents with the holy words of the Priestly Blessing: 


Y'varechecha Adonai v'Yishmerecha             


May God Bless you and Keep You.


Yaer Adonai Panav Elecha V'Chuneka                      


May God cause God's spirit to shine upon you and be gracious to you.


Yisa Adonai Panav Elecha V'Yasem L'cha Shalom.


May the Lord turn God's spirit unto you and grant you peace, and let us all say, Amen. 

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
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